Wellness & Health


Wellness & Health

Health and wellness integration with workforce readiness involves preparing individuals not only for the physical demands of a job but also for the mental and emotional aspects. This integration acknowledges that a healthy lifestyle positively impacts job performance, productivity, and overall well-being. 

For instance, employees who prioritize health are often more resilient, have better stress management skills, and can maintain focus and energy throughout the workday. Additionally, wellness programs that incorporate aspects like nutrition, exercise, and emotional intelligence training can enhance interpersonal skills, teamwork, and leadership capabilities, all of which are crucial for success in the workforce. 

By promoting physical and mental well-being alongside workforce readiness skills, individuals are better equipped to thrive professionally and personally.

Middle School & High School 

Through our health & wellness program we aim to provide middle and high school students with a well-rounded education that integrates academic success, health and wellness, and workforce readiness skills to prepare them for future personal and professional success. Our youth health & wellness programming is held in partnership with other local organizations, where an iTrainNow instructor will facilitate classes. 

Life-Work Balance Workshops

These workshops provide practical tools and strategies for adults to achieve work-life balance, prioritize self-care, and foster overall well-being in their professional and personal lives. Our Life-Work Balance workshops are held in partnership with other local organizations, where an iTrainNow instructor will facilitate or co-facilitate the workshops